Monday, 12 March 2012

Advice from a Stop Smoking Hypnotist - Quit Smoking and Do This Instead

Do you want to quit smoking and kick the bad habit forever? George Bernard Shaw the great English dramatist had once jocularly remarked that quitting smoking is the easiest thing in the world. He had, after all, quit smoking several times in his lifetime. Well, jokes apart, it should indeed be your first priority if you are in possession of this bad habit.

And breaking out of this urge to smoke isnt as difficult as you think or people make it out to be. Believe me, this is the advice of stop smoking hypnotist. Breaking a habit and replacing that old unwanted habit takes approximately 21 days and involves creating some new healthy habits.

So the next time you feel the urge to puff on a cancer stick, try out the following things instead. You will be able to stop smoking and break a habit in 3 weeks flat!

Drink a glass of water

Instead of giving into smoking, why dont you drink a glass of water or maybe fruit juice to curb the urge?

Breathe Deeply

Whenever you feel the urge, just close your eyes and take 3 deep breaths. The urge will melt away.

Send a text

Next time you extend your hands towards the nicotine stick, swerve your hands towards your mobile phone and send a text message instead. It will distract your mind.

Sometimes distracting your mind with activities that take your mind off the need to puff can help break a habit. So, the next time you want to puff away, why dont you Walk around the block, Call a friend, Floss your teeth, Hug your spouse or Light a candle, Turn on the radio, Ride a bike, Hug your pet, Take a nap instead?

Chew sugarless gum

According to the stop smoking hypnotist, the urge to smoke often arises from an oral fixation the need to feel something or taste an object with the mouth or lips something akin to the desire felt by a baby who is continuously sucking his/her thumb or artificial toy teats or the mothers nipples.

If you can replace the cancer stick with something harmless or even beneficial, then you will be indulging in your urge for oral fixation without experiencing the fallouts of nicotine intake. You can chew on sugarless gum or better still you can chew on mint sticks or mint leaves or cloves.

There are sugarless gums available in a variety of flavors and which are shaped just like cigarettes. Not a bad idea to chew on these instead, is it?

Listen to a hypnosis CD

This is the recommendation of a stop smoking hypnotist for studies have proved that hypnosis methods can successfully make you quit smoking forever.

Chew on a toothpick

And last but not the least; you can indulge in the luxury of chewing on a toothpick to kick the habit of smoking.

Hypnosis to Quit Smoking

There is nothing more natural than learning how to use your mind properly by using hypnosis to quit smoking. If you undergo the hypnosis, you need to realize it only works on those that believe in the treatment and also doesn't work on everyone.

You can visit the hypnotherapist to help you. The hypnotist will guide you into a trance state known as hypnosis where you become more willing to accept suggestions. The hypnotist then suggests to you different ways of you being a nonsmoker.

A good hypnotist has ways of making sure. While you are in trance he will work with training your mind to have appropriate thoughts at the right time. During your hypnosis to quit smoking session the hypnotist will also work to change the connections that you have between smoking and feelings.

Another method is self hypnosis. Even this method is not as effective as visit the hypnotherapist, but will save you some money.

First, you have to make your own self hypnosis suggestions. The important thing is to word these in a positive way. As an example you should say "I love being smoke free" and not "I hate smoking." The more emotion involved in the suggestion the faster they will penetrate you subconscious mind.

Then, in self hypnosis, you have to repeat your suggestions out loud at least three times a day. Say them for at least fifteen minutes each time. It is best if you do this when you first get up, sometime in the afternoon and before bed. Give this step full attention and do not be listen to the radio, watching TV or some other activity while repeating the suggestion.

Smoking isn't the easiest habit to quit and will take countless tries until you get it. Hypnosis to quit smoking is supposed to help people quit by using the power of suggestion while the person is under hypnosis.

"To learn much more about the different types of Htpnosis to Quit Smoking, visit and you will get much more information, including Sleep Hypnosis."

How to Quit Smoking - Improve Your Health Starting Today

There have been many people who have tried to argue that tobacco companies cannot be held responsible for ill health because adults make the decision to smoke. However, it is common knowledge that smoking is easy to start but rather difficult to stop. It is the nicotine inside the cigarettes combined with other chemicals that make smoking a dangerous habit. These lines sound familiar because you can associate with them? You can actually quit smoking today. No, we are not talking about willpower and all that. There is now a proven method to quit smoking - through an electronic cigarette.

The evils of smoking

Smoking kills, plain and simple. Multiple experts may refute this claim but the fact is that smoking kills. Research says that smokers have reduced life expectancy ranging from 13.4 years to 14.3 years. In the United States there are 443,000 premature deaths caused per year due to smoking. The major killers of smoking are cancer, pulmonary, renal and cardiovascular damage. Other ill effects include infertility and stress. If you search the Internet for the ill effects of smoking you will be able to print a book with all the content available.

Stop smoking now

If you are not thinking about yourself think of the people around you. Think of your family, think of your neighbors, think of your office colleagues. When you smoke you not only harm yourself but also those around you. As a responsible citizen you have every reason to quit and help the creation of a smoke free world.

How can an electronic cigarette help?

An electronic cigarette is just like an actual cigarette but without any of its ill effects. It operates through a lithium-ion battery. The battery charges the atomizer that vaporizes the liquid inside the cartridge. This liquid is specially flavored with the actual flavors of cigarettes. Hence, you may find smokeless cigarettes with the flavor of Camel or Marlboro. You may find an e-cig that is exactly like a menthol cigarette or a regular cigarette. Once the liquid is vaporized it is inhaled by the smoker and the flavor in it makes the person feel that they are smoking an actual cigarette.

How and where to buy?

Since the electronic cigarette has now been legalized in many countries it is rather simple to buy it. Go to Google and search for websites that sell these cigarettes. You will find plenty of them to choose from. Go through the usual process of online shopping and your electronic cigarette will be shipped to you. One cigarette with its refillable parts will last you for a long time.

With an electronic cigarette with you, you know you are quitting smoking successfully. Smoke as much as you want without harming your body.

Sunday, 11 March 2012

How to make your boyfriend quit smoking

Dear Jennifer,

My boyfriend of one year just started smoking cigarettes. He used to smoke before we met but was not when we first started dating. I am a non-smoker and the smoke really bothers me. What can I do to make him quit?

Second Hand Smoking Sally

Dear Second Hand Smoking Sally,

Here's the bad news. You can't make anyone do anything they don't want to do in the first place. Try as hard as you can, but the only way your boyfriend is going to quit smoking is if he decides to do it himself. You can try to persuade him to quit by letting him know how much it bothers you. Who really wants to snuggle up to someone who reeks like cigarette stench? Who really wants to spend time with someone enveloped in a toxic cloud of smoke? You can encourage him to quit. Buy him nicotine gum or the patch. Ask him not to smoke around you and be firm with your request. If he can't stop smoking around you then he can't see you. The only time ultimatums are ok in a relationship is when one person is hurting or endangering the other person with their behavior. Everyone knows about the risks of smoking including second hand smoke. Having total disregard for your own health is one thing, but creating an unhealthy environment for the ones you care about is shameful. Ultimatums are never pretty but neither is cigarette smoking.

Yours truly,


To have Jennifer answer your questions about dating, romance and relationships send an email to .

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Will Lung Cancer make You Ready To Quit Smoking Time Will Tell

Smoking is the cause of many, many different sicknesses. However mo9st of us know that the main sickness caused by smoking is indeed lung cancer. I hate to say it but smoking and lung cancer go together like peanut butter and jelly. Almost 90 percent of lung cancer is caused directly from smoking. Of course we have all heard of the other cancers. Prostate, colon, lymph and breast. What I bet you didn't know is that lung cancer kills more people each year then all those others combined.

It really is time to quit smoking. Each se3cond you smoke you are greatly increasing the chances of getting lung cancer. As a regular smoker you are doing great damage to your lungs and the rest of your body. The key is to quit smoking. Even after many years of doing all that substantial damage you can still have a good chance at turning things around. It really is important to focus on prevention. Unfortunately when it comes to lung cancer by the time it is found it is usually too late. Of course we are seeing great things when it comes to cancer. Unfortunately though the survival rate when it comes to lung cancer patients is still very low.

In almost all cases the cough is where it's all going to start when it comes to lung cancer. There will be a blockage that irritates or starts blocking the airway. Some more things to watch for are pains in the chest, coughing up blood and a cough that progressively gets worse. Overall you need to pay real close attention to everything that is going on with your body. Don't just think chest area either, most times before lung cancer is even found it ends up spreading through the body. If you are a smoker I suggest you pay attention to all the aches and pains. Get things checked because you just never know. The best thing is to focus and do yourself a favor and quit smoking.

A quick break down on what human lungs are. Basically they are a pair of organs that take up most of the room inside your chest. You will find the lungs located on either side of the heart. The right lung will have three lobes while the left has two. You then have the pleura which is a very thin lining that is in place to cover the lungs.

The air that we breathe goes from the mouth through the trachea. This then separates into bronchi that go into either lung. Once inside the lungs the passage will continue through smaller tubes. From school you will remember the smallest as the alveoli. The alveoli are together in great groups which are put together in lobes. Then you will find the capillaries. They are a major part of the pulmonary system. This is key because it is where blood vessels combine to work with the heart and lungs.

Next are the airways and the lining on the wind pipe. If they are in healthy lungs they have control and keep master division inside the body. However when you are looking at a body with cancer the cells we are talking about continue to grow way past us needing them. The cancer could take several years to be there and hit you. The problem though is your lungs will start to be affected as soon as they are hit with the poisons inhaled from a cigarette. If you continue smoking you will continue to damage. Eventually there is a good chance that this damage will become cancerous. Also because you have set out to weaken your body this will allow the cancer cells to spread much easier throughout the body.

Types Of Lung Cancer

No holds barred and we have already talked about how smoking is the number one reason behind getting lung cancer. There are things like second hand smoke, asbestos and a few other things in industry that could have an effect on getting cancer. Now think how high the risk is if you mix two or more of these factors together.

Cancers gets its name from where ever on the body it is stricken. So goes the fact that cancer in the lungs is known as lung cancer and so forth. Non smokers will almost never get lung cancer. Of course there is always an exception to every rule and this is no different. However you do stand a much better chance of avoiding lung cancer if you never smoke or if you quit smoking.

There are two main types of cancer that build up and start at the lungs. They are small cell and non-small cell types. The small cell is the one that kicks the hell out of smokers for the most part. The small cell can spread quite rapidly especially at the beginning of the disease. Chemo and radiation is about the only option for treatment. In this case surgery is very rarely an option. Also if you have this type of cancer chances are you won't make it past 5 years.

Bottom line is if you do not quit smoking you are putting yourself in front of a firing squad. The best thing is you can quit and your body will start healing and fighting rather quickly. Each day as a non smoker has you going in the right direction. The only real chance you have is so once and for all quit smoking.

What Am I Doing?

Many of you know that I am a smoker who has quit.

I am now focusing on helping others quit and really working hard at trying to get kids to never start.

I know single handedly I cant fight the tobacco companies.The thing is I really am looking for a following.I also know I will not beat the tobacco companies but to me every single person I help quit is a victory and every child I can educate is also a victory.

You can check out either of my sites at Quit Smoking

Also check out Quit Smoking Journey

Hypnosis - The Guaranteed Way To Quit Smoking With No Withdrawal Or Weight Gain

If you have tried to quit smoking and failed, it's not your fault. Every method from cold turkey to the patch focus you mind on smoking and actually make you want to smoke more. They focus your head on your but and that can't be good. Now, you can get your life back, become a first class citizen again and never be looked down on again by simply finding out about hypnotherapy.

I have used hypnosis for many changes in my life and I recommend it as a great way to quit smoking Unlike other quitting aids, hypnosis gently programs your mind to stop wanting to smoke through easy and enjoyable relaxation and where the mind goes, the body willingly follows.

You won't be fighting your body that craves a smoke, you will have diverted your mind and body for a guaranteed cure. You won't need patches, gum or drugs like Chantix.

Once your mind decides you do not smoke and don't want to smoke, you will no longer be focused on cigarettes and smoking. You won't be focused on what you're missing, your mind will tell you that you just don't smoke any more.

There are a few things to look for in a hypnotherapist for this important work.

Be sure they offer a free analysis session. The goal of this meeting is for you to be sure you trust the therapist and want to work with him/her. Also, the therapist will determine if you are a good candidate for hypnosis and if so, what triggers your need to smoke.

Some people smoke when they are lonely, some smoke when they drink coffee, some when they are on the phone, some when they are nervous. A good hypnotherapist will find out what your triggers are and work with your unconscious mind to eliminate the cravings. You will no longer associate the triggers with a desire to smoke. You won't be struggling to get through withdrawals; you just will not want to smoke.

Hypnosis can also stop you from using food to replace cigarettes. If you don't want to gain weight as you stop the smoking habit, hypnosis can help.

Be sure too that the hypnotherapist has a guarantee. Many offer a "we won't quit until you do" guarantee that allows you to keep coming back as often as necessary for additional sessions at no additional charge for as long as it takes until you quit for good. That means you cannot fail with hypnosis unless you stop coming for sessions. It's a guaranteed solution that can not fail.

Good hypnotherapists customize their therapy to the triggers that make you crave cigarettes. They customize your solution and eliminate the cravings. They guarantee you will quit without withdrawal and they stay with you until you quit and get your life back.

Some practitioners of hypnosis average a 95% success rate compared to 5% for cold turkey and 15% for the patch. You will be a non smoker the first day you visit and they will stick with you as long as necessary until you succeed. Get your life back. Be proud of yourself again.

Saturday, 10 March 2012

Quit Smoking With No Weight Gain

Are you scared of quitting smoking for the fear of gaining those extra pounds? Smoking increases metabolism and this is the main reason that makes people think that once you quit, you gain weight. This is a misconception and should not deter you to quit smoking. There are many people who dread the idea of kicking the habit for fear of weight gain but what they fail to realize is that they are succumbing themselves to a more deadly and injurious to you!

Quit smoking with no weight gain is not an unachievable task. There are many practical and simple things that you can do to curb putting on those extra pounds. The moment you quit smoking you tend to put on that extra flab as smoking slows down the metabolism rate in people.

You need to exercise for at least half an hour every day to control putting on weight. An half an hour session does not mean that you have to undergo a rigorous aerobic session. You do not even have to go for regular gym sessions either. A thirty minute walk round the block is enough to do wonders for you and believe me you will also feel more relaxed and refreshed. It is very essential for you to exercise as these exercises help you to control the cravings that you will have for smoking. It helps to clear your mind and at the same time motivate you to restrain from smoking.

Replace your old habit of smoking with healthy snacks. Quit smoking with fruits and vegetables and drink lots of water. Do not go in for fat rich food in order to control your cravings. There are many people who turn to alcohol when they decide to quit smoking. This is not at all a wise decision so you should not go in for it. For many people smoking and drinking go hand in hand and once they have quit they turn to alcohol. It is difficult to quit smoking with a soft mindyou need to be strong and adamant. Be determined and do not fall prey to temptations. This motivation has to keep you going. Ensure that you do not get swayed awaybe strong and you are bound to succeed.

The withdrawal symptoms that you will face when you quit smoking can make you feel depressed. You should accept yourself the way you are and be happy to have undertaken the challenge of quitting smoking. When people start appreciating you for your efforts you do feel happy and this inner satisfaction helps you feel better in a great way. You should praise yourself for the step that you have taken. Feel proud to have been able to accept the challenge of giving up smoking.

Thus, from the above, there is no fear of you putting on those extra pounds once you quit smoking. You just have to adhere to the above-mentioned tips in order to avoid gaining that excess flab that you are afraid of. The results of quitting smoking give you a better and healthy life that you deserve. So be happy with your choice and live life healthy!

Quit Smoking Tips Instead of a Prescription

Quit smoking tips should include certain unpleasant information. Smoking is directly associated with health hazards. Smoking of tobacco, it has been established, cause infection in human lungs. Patients of hypertension or diabetic patients suffer greatly if they have smoking habits. The recent researches have suggested that smoking of tobacco may lead to cancer which is still considered as a fatal disease.

One important thing is that only the smokers are not affected because of inhaling the smoke. Friends and relatives who do not smoke and who remain close to the smokers receive greater injury, because they are passive smokers and passive smoking is far more dangerous.

This is not the end of the story. Millions of men and women smoke everyday and they exhale smoke of tobacco into the atmosphere everyday. The atmosphere is thus vitiated regularly the result of which horrible. Quit smoking tips should also contain this undesirable fact.

Relentless campaign against smoking should be an important part of the quit smoking tips. When it is clear that smoking is injurious to human health and to the health of the earth's atmosphere, campaign against smoking must be conducted and continued to combat this menace. Media of all kinds, governmental and non-governmental, online and offline media included, must come forward to spread necessary information on regular basis to fight against the smoking habit of humanity.

There should not be any compromising process for a smoker to withdraw him/her from nicotine intoxication. Funny it seems, when a smoker states that he/she would quit smoking slowly. This is more like a plea, because the particular smoker will be in touch of the smoking habit and would not give up smoking finally.

The smokers must decide that they would leave smoking for good. Determination of the smokers is the significant weapon in this disgusting battle. There are people who have freed them from such unhealthy chains. Hence, it is possible for the rest to follow. This is the best part of the quit smoking tips.

Quit Smoking With the help of useful tips

Smoking is a common habit and a difficult one to quit for majority of regular smokers. If you have been smoking for a long time and suddenly decide to quit the cold turkey way, then you are likely to suffer withdrawal symptoms and strong cravings for nicotine. But with the help of some quit smoking tips and additional help, it can be possible to increase the chances of any smoker to quit successfully.

Quitting smoking may be a difficult thing to achieve for many but certainly not impossible. Given below are some useful quit smoking tips that can help you kick the butt successfully.

Think about quitting smoking

According to the World Health Organization, Smoking has become the leading cause of premature deaths and diseases among people worldwide. It is related to many serious diseases. Taking it as a warning, many smokers want to quit smoking and search for aids or drugs that can help to kick the butt.

Serious effects of smoking

Smoking can increase your risks for conditions like diabetes, lung cancer, heart disease, strokes, and so on. These are the effects of active smoking but, passive smoking or second hand can also cause health problems for those who don't smoke. It can greatly affect pregnant women and children if they inhale second hand smoke. The recent research has shown that there is another effect of smoking called as third hand smoke. It contains all the toxins that are spread into the air after the cigarette is extinguished.

Make a plan to quit

If you have made up your mind to quit, then you should start with a plan. Prepare your mind for a life as a non-smoker. It's a well known saying that half of the battle is won in the mind. So, prepare your mind with all types of positive benefits of quitting smoking.

Quit smoking timeline

After quitting smoking, you may experience some of the instant health benefits. Your blood pressure level and pulse rate drops to normal. The temperature of your hand and feet increases to normal. These effects can be felt in a timeline of 20 minutes.

After 8 hours, oxygen level increases and carbon dioxide decreases. Within 24 hours of "quitting smoking", your chances of suffering a heart attack decreases greatly. If you continue with the quit smoking timeline, then within three months you may see changes like increased blood circulation in the body, and improved lung functioning. This continuous quit smoking timeline can produce numerous health benefits that can improve the quality of your life.

Methods for quitting smoking

There are many methods and techniques that can help you quit smoking successfully. Some of these methods include cold turkey, nicotine replacement therapies and anti-depressants such as Zyban. The success rates of quitting with the help of these methods may vary from person to person. You have one more quit smoking aid in the form of Chantix, which taken orally.

Chantix helps to reduce nicotine cravings and withdrawal symptoms that occur naturally after you quit smoking. Its main active ingredient is Varenicline tartrate and also contains some inactive ingredients. Chantix is a proven treatment and is generally prescribed for a period of 12 weeks. If you are unable to quit smoking successfully during this period, then the doctor may ask you to repeat the treatment after a thorough medical check up again.

Friday, 9 March 2012

Tips To Quit Smoking Naturally

There are literally dozens of tips to quit smoking naturally. There isn't one clear natural method or pattern for quitting smoking naturally but rather a number of short tips to try in hopes that one or more will help you kick the nicotine habit.

(1) Think in a positive manner. This is not an unattainable goal.

(2) Don't give up when you have a bad day or backslide. You can still quit!

(3) Make a list of the reasons that you want to quit smoking. Post copies of this list everywhere you spend time. Put the list at various places in your home, at work, in your car and carry one with you.

(4) Replace your cigarette break with an orange juice break, or to smoke only those you really want. Don't just light that cigarette out of habit.

(5) You may experience some withdrawal symptoms when you are trying to quit smoking. Be prepared and have a game plan.

(6) If you become irritable be ready with some ideas that may make you less irritable. Consider meditation, yoga or a dance or exercise class.

(7) Carry hard candy or gum with you. These things can help if your mouth becomes dry.

(8) Form a support group or join one that is already in existence. A group of people who are also trying to quit smoking can be very supportive and you will be able to share tips.

(9) Celebrate each milestone. Treat yourself to a movie, a night out with friends or a walk in the park.

(10) Start noticing the benefits of a smokeless life. It won't be long before you are breathing easier and thinking more clearly. Your clothing, home and car will no longer smell like smoke. You will be much more pleasant to kiss.

Follow these tips to quit smoking naturally and you will be able to kiss those butts goodbye forever.

Thursday, 8 March 2012

Quit Smoking Now - It's Never Been Easier!

The message about smoking has been broadcast loud and clear for everyone to hear. You know it is bad for you and also, just as importantly, it is bad for your loved ones who breathe in second hand smoke. Did you know that 4500 Americans start smoking every year? Why they start is known only to themselves, given the amount of awareness there is about the long term effects. But once started, they seem to be hooked for life.

Before we go into how easy it is to quit smoking now, let's look again at the health issue. .

Bad for your health: There is now a direct link between smoking and cancer, heart disease and strokes. Did you also know it can also cause an increase in cholesterol that clogs your arteries and makes it harder for oxygenated blood to reach your muscles - and even clog them up completely? Blood clots form... blood vessels break... all these are potential time bombs waiting to explode in your body.

Smoking also causes bronchiolitis affecting your airways - often this is caused by second hand smoke inhaled from other smokers. Bronchiolitis is common with smokers. This viral infection causes inflammation of your airways so much so that the airways get everely restricted and even get completely blocked altogether.

Smoking leads to bad breath, yellowing of teeth and even gum disease. Smoking makes your clothes smell, your furniture smell and reduces your immune system so that you are more likely to catch colds and flu. Your coughing may even get so bad you have to have an oxygen bottle next to you at all times...

...not to mention the cost! Smoking is expensive! Not just in terms of your health but in your wallet too.

So Why Smoke? Why not quit smoking now? The answer is the nicotine which is highly addictive. There's also the chemicals put into the tobacco. Together, they are highly addictive - that's why people find it so hard to quit smoking. Once you are hooked on cigs, it is hard to quit.

By the way, let's get rid of one myth... stopping smoking does not mean you will put on weight! Quite the opposite - smoking will actually make you gain weight as you get older.

Quit Smoking Now Willpower is the best route if you want to quit smoking. And don't talk about it in terms of "giving up smoking". Think of it in terms of "stopping smoking". There is a distinct psychological difference between the two. Giving up something, means the mind thinks it has given something away... there is a "gap" - and often it wants it back. It is why people look for substitutes for the thing they have "given up" (given away). But, if you stop anything, it means simply that. You've stopped doing something - nothing more. It means you can do something else instead - no big deal.

There are many aids on the market, right now, to help you quit smoking. It's never been easier to stop smoking right now. From patches to fake cigs, hypnotherapy to acupuncture - there are more aids than I can write about in this article. What they do not do, however, is replace that sense of taste that smokers often enjoy - after all, it is why they have their favorite brand of cigarette.

The e cig E cigs have now been developed that look, feel and taste like a real cigarette. One brand in particular can even change the taste to match your favorite brand of cigarette. Can you imagine what it would be like to be able to use an e cig in hotels, offices and restaurants, so that you get the same sensation and feel that you would get from smoking a real cigarette - but without all the health problems referred to above? Doesn't that sound like a smart alternative? If you look around, you will also be able to get into some free offers that will give you all the support you need to finally quit smoking.

Best Way To Quit Smoking

Best Way To Quit Smoking

Interested persons that smoking is often asked what the best way to quit smoking as well. Although a lot of product out there that seem to be designed to help you kick the habit, not all work and most of them poor value for money.

If you're reading this, I undertook to find the best way to quit smoking that works for you. Smoking is like any other drug, and that includes alcohol, and quickly addictive. Not only does the body get addicted to nicotine, but you need to change your behavior if you want to quit smoking.

The following proven ways to help quit smoking, and use one or more of these together. Also, I have a sure-fire way to quit cigarettes, well, I'll explain this a little bit low.

Steps to help you quit smoking are as follows:

1. Try to stay away from other smokers. If you have a lot of corporate people who smoke, the smoke is too easy to accept you, and giving up will be more difficult than living with non-smokers.

2. Find a hobby and keep busy with what you love. If you buy a sport will be a natural aspiration to become fit and healthy, and quitting smoking easier.

3. A local support group can provide help and advice if you feel you do not want to go alone. I talk to people in the same situation as you can will help a lot. Remember that you are, who should move on cigarettes, while others do not understand.

4. Consider going to rehab. Of course, this is a very radical step, but if we are to smoke for a long time, then this could be one of the best facilities available. Simply, it is a holiday, and enjoy the company of people who are as ambitious as you are.

5. Decreases gradually. This will help you quit smoking step by step. simply count the cigarettes you smoke a day and a reduction in the number of cigarettes every day. This helps your body to adjust to the reduced amount of nicotine in the body. Many people believe that the best way to quit smoking cold turkey, but it's not for everyone.

6. Is there another way, it is very powerful to stop the cravings for cigarettes following a simple and quick to do. It's something I can not reveal here, but I wrote my own experience on my blog "The best way to quit smoking."

If you want to know what was the best way to quit smoking for me, then see the following link to stop smoking using the product. If you are sick, to try to quit smoking pills, patches and gums, stop smoking, then this could be the solution.

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Chantix to quit smoking cigarettes Coupons

With the regular expense of smoking cigarettes up to more than $1,800 a yr for a solitary pack a day behavior, you are seeking at a whole lot of dollars just burned away. Trying to keep the income in your pocket can do a ton for your price range. It could even necessarily mean the big difference involving getting ready to order that outstanding sports activities motor vehicle that you have had your eye on. You could possibly even make your mind up to drop the funds into a cost savings account and extremely get the highest benefit, irregardless of your choice you are likely to be pleased to hang onto the revenue, somewhat than melt away it up.

Other gains can incorporate staying ready to keep your household, automotive and clothes smelling better. Every person is aware of that cigarettes have a awful smell, and those who do not smoke can actually select up the smell. As your motivation to smoke goes away, your desire to odor superb will boost. This can lead to a full best to bottom cleansing that will set you in a amazing disposition. If you give up in the spring you could just take into consideration it your yearly spring cleaning spurt. You will most certainly adore the enhanced feeling of odor nevertheless, once all people gorgeous flowers in the lawn will now have a purpose to exist outside of just on the lookout

It is common awareness that smoking cigarettes will cause many really serious ailments which include cancer and heart disorder. Apart from it also has an effect on the individuals all around because of to passive cigarette smoking. 1 instance, would be hoping to halt cigarette smoking just as you are bringing a not long ago born newborn home. While this could glimpse as nevertheless it is a good plan so that your child is not exposed to breathing in the second hand smoke, it's similarly a genuinely nerve-racking time. You had improved alternatively try to give up cigarette smoking forward of the birth, or wait for a though right after giving birth for the most useful likelihood at becoming profitable in your target to give up cigarette smoking.

An individual of the greatest secrets that people won't reveal with you is the real truth that you essentially can stop. Also, if you truly have decided to stop you might not even necessitate the expensive halt smoking cigarettes aids that are in the market. Just the motivation to cease forever is oftentimes all that is required, but you need a very first-pace solid again up crew in location for this to operate. What usually happens is tobacco end users get so determined that expensive give up cigarette smoking aids are demanded and they convince themselves that without having these gizmos and gadgets that they'll not be able of quitting. If you look over and above the attractive promotional materials, you're repeatedly left with absolutely nothing far more than one thing which will retain your hands engaged or guide distract you for the duration of intervals of time when you have a powerful urge to smoke. Seeking for selections can generally be a whole lot much more low-cost, in addition to getting just as successful in the stop.

Quitting Smoking - Why That's Hard With Seven Forces

Imagine you have a family with seven kids-and each one has his own mind... And you decide that you want them to do something. What is the chance you will succeed in getting them to go along with your wishes?

That is just what a smoker goes through when something in him decides it wants to stop.

Let us say his Instinctive Force (where the addiction is) gets told by his doctor that unless he quits his smoking he is going to get some terrible disease. So fear grips him, and he says, "Yes, I will quit New Years Day!"

New Years Day arrives, and he begins to stop his smoking.

But his Feeling Force cries out, "What is going on? You know I can't live without smokes!"

Or his Moving Force grabs for a cigarette and--when he tries to stop this fetching, somehow he can't. That Force simply overwhelms him.

And even if somehow he gets those two Forces to try "today" to stop smoking, along comes the Thinking Force and demands that the party tonight requires that he indulge in smoking-- to be sociable and a great conversationalist.

Another Force that no one talks about that gets hooked on smoking's the Sexual Force; and that one can be brutal! That might be the biggest cause of keeping people smoking-compared to the others.

"Why that one?" you ask in total bewilderment. Here's why I sense this is the one. Most people are young when they take up the habit. They are lacking for something that helps them deal with their newfound sexuality. Smoking seems to fit in nicely with making young women feel sophisticated and young men feel cool and macho. Remember, they're all young; and all that energy needs some outlet, and smoking has a way of using up some of that energy.

There are two more (Higher) Forces, which have little to say about someone's smoking, except to mourn the great loss of one's spiritual being when smoking's taking place.

...So this is the problem that most smokers don't realize they're even up against. And how can they solve the problem when they don't even know what the problem involves? Their chances of quitting are slim.

So what can these smokers do? Well... the first thing would be to begin seeing how the Seven Forces might have influence over them and then devise a strategy that gets all the Forces to go along with their decision to give up smoking.

Right now, only seven percent of the smokers who want to stop manage to stop. The other ninety-three percent aren't able to. Maybe this new awareness helps.

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

How to Help My Spouse Quit Smoking

If you don't smoke or are trying to quit, you will likely want to find ways to help your spouse quit if he's a smoker. Long-term smoking can cause a large litany of serious health effects, including cancer, heart attack, stroke, bronchitis and emphysema. Instead of lecturing your spouse or telling her that she will die if she doesn't stop, try to be encouraging and supportive.

Difficulty: Moderate


1)Select a quit date. Encourage him to set a goal and choose a target date to stop smoking. If you are quitting as well, you should select the same quit date.

2)Research different stop-smoking aids, and present these options to your spouse. Stop smoking aids include nicotine gum, nicotine patches, hypnosis and acupuncture.

3)Check up on your spouse frequently while apart. Ask how he's feeling and whether he has been able to make it through the day without a cigarette. Stay positive and let her know how proud you are that she's making this attempt. Remind him to give you a call if he feels the urge to smoke.

4)Keep your spouse busy during the normal times she normally smokes. For instance, if your spouse usually likes a cigarette after dinner, propose a walk instead. You may want to steer clear of parties and other social outings until he has stopped smoking for a prolonged period.

5)Offer rewards for not smoking. For instance, if your spouse makes it through the first day of quitting without smoking at all, treat her to dinner at her favorite restaurant. As your spouse progresses, continue to offer awards, which could be as simple as a card, favorite dessert or back rub.

6)Try to keep your spouse destressed during the difficult process. When a person stops smoking, he may feel irritable or have difficulty sleeping. Encourage relaxing activities, such as massage and deep breathing. Comedy can also have a relaxing effect; consider renting a funny movie or washing a comedy on television.

A Short Overview of Quit Smoking Items

The truth is you can find stop smoking products in many forms including lozenges and mini lozenges too. The answer to this is simple, it depends on the product since there are some that work and still many others that absolutely won't work. Nicoretter is one such product that still contains nicotine.

So there is really no explanation associated to a lack of something that "works" for you. Obviously, you will need to talk to your doctor to get a prescription. Another solution to your nicotine addiction is a transdermal patch known as Novaris. The largest obstruction is coming clean, or making the decision, that you would like to end the habit and then take positive action.If you are really motivated to stop your smoking habit just about any product you can buy will be effective. One of the newer prescription aids is Chantix. There are prescription products that you can try to help you quit smoking. Read the information that comes with it. Don't use too many of them. To obtain the safest results it's important to read the enclosed usage guide. This method for quitting smoking is meant to help you with the symptoms of withdrawal you may experience. You need to have a good discussion about these side effects with your doctor because there is no avoiding them. You can come upon stop smoking merchandise that has been in use for decades, in addition to new technology techniques, such as electronic cigarettes. Changing your habits will also help. This product is designed to be a 12 week program with instructions specifically geared to your program success. You'll get the best benefit from this patch if you follow the usage guidelines as you go. Your emotional needs are important too, you need to have a good support group.up.

Each creation has its own single positive and negative aspects, attributes and advantages. If you don't have real motivation to quit it's likely that no product will actually be effective for you.

This means the guide is very helpful.

Sufficient motivation can mean the difference between success and failure.

Will the product work is a question many people ask themselves once they've made the decision to quit. Understand that Chantix and Zyban, another stop smoking prescription aid, are not the same thing.

Start your new years resolution on the right track, quit smoking and get fit. In our healthy lifestyle blog we're discussing issues like health risks, disease prevention and weight loss. Learn how to lose weight in a healthy way following healthy weight loss plan.

Monday, 5 March 2012

Quit Smoking The Easy Way

I thought that it was impossible for me to quit smoking, and I almost gave up until I was introduced to an amazing resource. I didn't know how easy and fast it would be to quit smoking.This is how I quit smoking - the easy way.

If you are anxious to quit smoking but don't know what to expect when you quit smoking, you have come to the right place. In this lens, you will learn how I quit smoking the easy way without stress and without gaining weight.

I was a two pack a day smoker for over thirty years and had tried various methods to quit smoking. None of them helped me to remain a non-smoker. I always started back up again.

A friend that had quit smoking told me about a program that she had used. After reviewing the information on the web site, I decided to give it a try.

They promised that I would quit smoking for good without any major stress and without suffering through weeks of painful cravings and withdrawals and that I wouldn't gain any extra weight.

I was skeptical that this easy way to quit smoking would be another of my failed attempts. But, I did as they said and kept an open mind and went for it. Wow!!! I was amazed how easy it was to quit smoking. I wish I had found this program years earlier. I sincerely hope that you will also visit their web site and carefully read the information. If I can quit smoking - you can too!! It is much easier than you think!!

One Tip That Helped Me Quit Smoking The Easy Way

If you really want to quit smoking, the one tip that helped me the most was:


Now I know that sounds cliche... But you will never have success with any program without keeping an open mind and believing that you can do it.

If you're serious about learning to quit smoking then go to to learn how I followed a simple, yet proven method to quit smoking the easy way.

The Easy Way To Quit Smoking - You Can Do It Too!!

I know that I am not the only one that has tried to quit smoking and failed time and again. I have tried the nicotine patches, behavior modification classes, cold turkey and the gum. I was able to quit with all of them, but soon returned to smoking.

The only solution that I found which helped me quit smoking once and for all was using a program on the website This is the easy way to quit smoking - no stress, no weight gain, no chemicals. I did it and you can too!!

Sunday, 4 March 2012

Preparing For the Day You Quit Smoking

Millions of people all around the world smoke, pouring billions of their money into the pockets of the tobacco industry. To many, particularly those that have been smoking for a long time, the prospect of quitting smoking seems very daunting. An addiction to smoking is a serious and complex one. It manifests itself in both a physical way, in that your body craves the nicotine the cigarettes contain, and a psychological way, in that your mind has been conditioned to believe that you have to smoke or terrible things will happen to you. To overcome this two sided assault it is important that you come up with a plan of attack in order to quit smoking. Although the cold-turkey or willpower technique works for some people, the vast majority of smokers will have success only with a more comprehensive and detailed plan with the right amount of preparation.

When you first start considering quitting smoking, it will probably seem so far away from where you are as a smoker that to reach it is either impossible or just too hard to start. Keep in mind that thousands of people a year, people that were also smokers just like you, quit smoking. If they are able to do it, there's no reason that you can't. Many smokers also feel that after a certain time spent smoking it is "too-late" to quit, that there is no benefit and the damage is done. Simply put, this isn't true, and is nothing more than an excuse to avoid the attempt to quit smoking. The health benefits of quitting smoking begin the very day you stop and apply to anyone, anytime.

Before you actually have your last cigarette, begin to visualise yourself as a non-smoker. Visualisation is a very powerful psychological weapon in the battle to quit smoking. When you think about your everyday activities imagine yourself doing them without the cigarette break. Spend a lot of time thinking of the reasons that you want to quit smoking. If you have no worthwhile reasons to quit, why should you do it? Think of as many as you can and write them down. Learn about the health benefits of quitting, not just for yourself but the people around you as well, such as your children or other members of your family that are exposed to your cigarette smoke. Do the maths and come up with some figures for the amount of money you'll save by not buying cigarettes, then think of something you'll use that money for. It is essential to get your mind in the right frame for quitting.

Once you have achieved the right frame of mind it's time to plan having your last cigarette. To give you an idea of what will happen, understand that the human body is incredibly resilient, and that your health will improve as soon as you stop smoking, literally within 20 minutes your blood pressure will drop down to normal levels as the nicotine starts to leave your body. 8 hours after your last cigarette, carbon monoxide levels will drop and oxygen levels will rise in your blood stream returning it to normal levels. At 24 hours after your last cigarette, you statistically reduce your chance of a heart attack. Only 48 hours after your last cigarette, your sense of taste and smell will improve as your nerve endings start re-growing.

By coming up with a concrete and achievable plan to quit smoking you will greatly increase your chances of success. It is crucial to understand how being in the right frame of mind will affect your chances of success. Knowing why you are quitting and believing in yourself, in your attempt to quit are also essential. Once you've stopped consider yourself a non-smoker, and to help, remind yourself of the health benefits you will be experiencing immediately after putting out that last cigarette.

You Really Can Quit Smoking

First, let me be clear: I was a real smoker who truly loved to smoke cigarettes. I wasn't some 'take it or leave it' kind of cigarette 'user' who now stands on the nearest soap box to spew b.s. I picked up from a Quit Smoking commercial. No, I dearly loved my Marlboro reds - in a box. Don't get me wrong, I hated them too. I hated the cost of them, hated smelling like cigarettes. I hated what I knew they were doing to my skin, lungs, heart not to mention the potential for suffering through illness like cancer and COPD. But, none the less, like any true addict, I loved to feed that addiction more. The longer I went without a drag, the better I knew giving in would be. This turned my initial half-hearted attempts at quitting in to a game with myself where I'd pause for a day or two, then give in. As any smoker knows, there's no better cigarette than the one you have to wait for. Second only to a smoke that accompanied a cold beer or great engaging conversation.... well, you get the idea. That mindset, however, is what makes it so hard to quit.

"So, why did I quit?" you might ask. Well, I'll tell you. It was everything I mentioned hating about the habit (cost, smell, skin, health - sadly enough, in that order!) and then there was the terrifying thought of spending the last 10-15years of my life on oxygen while my lungs slowly shut down causing me to be incapacitated while in pain, until I was dead. I've seen it happen and I decided not to roll the dice because the risk of that being my end, of my family having to take care of me while they watched me slowly suffocate to death, was too great. This article is about what I did to quit, and what you can do too.


1. Get Real & Get Smart: If you're one of those who 'wants to want to quit', you aren't ready to start the withdrawal process. You need to psych yourself up a bit first or you're destined to fail. First, do a little research on what cigarettes are doing to your body - and your mind. Yeah, cancer is always a risk as with heart disease, COPD, etc. But any addict knows how to play the name-game of this person or that uncle who smoked all their lives and died in their sleep at 95. Skip that. Look into the current facts about what smoking is doing to your health. Smoking cigarettes is wiping out your Vitamin C which makes you far more susceptible to colds and allergies. The oils in natural tobacco are enough to clog your pores, but the additives from the tobacco company are the real killers, your skin is aging rapidly - far more rapidly than a non-smoker's. It's also cutting off blood flow and restricting your capillaries - which don't make for a nice complexion. But that's minor compared to what smoking is doing to other parts of your body. For instance, your lung capacity is diminished from it's full potential which means you aren't getting a complete stream of oxygen to your brain - this means you aren't as smart as you should be. The ingredients in cigarettes - including the premium brands - are pretty scary. Ammonium Hydroxide (that's a fancy way of saying "household ammonia") is just one tasty additive. There are plenty more. You can check them out by the horse's mouth; go to the R. J. Reynolds Company (makes Marlboro and many, many more) website at Tobacco companies are required by law to list those ingredients though they do well trying to make them seem harmless but showing the FDA or GRAS notes beside them. Keep in mind that it's the combination of most of these toxins that are killing you... also, while some are in food and other household products - they aren't intended to be smoked.

Oh, yeah - you also smell pretty bad. Even if you only smoke outside and hold the cigarette above your head (like I did) while standing upwind - you stink like an ashtray. After you've stopped smoking, you'll see what I mean.

2. Get Your Plan Together: If you're much of a smoker at all, quitting cold turkey is a very unpleasant waste of time. Be smart and get prepared. First check into some quit assist programs. If you're a light daily smoker, you should try some nicotine gum. Use it every time you want to smoke a cigarette. There are different milligrams (2mg, 4mg) and you should read up to decide what's best for you. Some people get the hiccups from the gum. If this happens to you, don't sweat it. Chew a few times, then park the gum inside your cheek or under your tongue. You'll still get the nicotine but in a smaller dose. If, however, you're a pack or more a day smoker, invest in patches AND gum. Again, read about the patches to determine what dosage you need but the patches are to wear 24/7 - then you still chew the gum as urges flare up. Plan to have some hard candy or nuts, grapes(whatever) with you to help ease the stress. Snacking helps. Remember, the withdrawal is temporary - you need to do what you need to do to get through it. You can work off the snacks later.

3. Plan to Be Aggravated and Uncomfortable: If quitting an addiction were easy, it wouldn't be an addiction. Being addicted means something (in this case, cigarettes) is controlling you and making you do things you don't want to do... waste money, stand outside in the rain & cold, stink, poison yourself, etc. So before you quit you need to be aware of what to expect. There is NOTHING that will make you stop craving cigarettes entirely except time. Yes, the patches and gum help, but you have to tough it out for a while. That means it won't be fun. Be ready for it instead of giving in at the first struggle. Remember that you'll be cranky and you'll feel frustrated, just plan to deal with it as best as you can. If you've ever been to the beach you know that if you're caught off guard a good wave will knock you on your tush, but if you see it coming your can stand strong - though you'll still feel the pressure - and remain on your feet.

4. DON'T Announce You're Quitting to Everyone: I know everyone says you need to tell family and friends so that you have a support system but this isn't exactly true. Telling everyone that you're about to begin one of the toughest struggles people commonly face (and fail) is setting yourself up for A LOT of pressure. More pressure is the last thing you need. When people notice you aren't smoking, just tell them you're trying to cut back and that maybe you'll give it up entirely. That's the truth and maybe you will. You don't need the stress of "I CANT fail now that I've told everyone!" - that's enough to drive you right back to smoking. Besides, if you've ever seen this situation before you know that having a band of cheerleaders when you really just want to gouge out someone's eyes (I told you it'll be rough) is too much for anyone to bare. You already know you want to stop, you don't need your co-workers, friends and family nagging you about it.

Now You're READY to QUIT

1. Prepare For Your First Day: Think of your triggers and be prepared to use the gum. Do you smoke right when you first get up? If so, have gum lying beside your bed to grab it before your feet hit the floor. Put on a patch right away if you're using them. Do you smoke at certain places at work (designated smoking section, behind the building, etc)? Plan to steer clear of those areas and when it gets time for that typical break be sure to have something else to do - and plenty of gum. Also make sure you drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. Being dehydrated makes you feel rundown and weak. This makes it tough to fight the battle. Have your snacks prepared too and ready to go in the morning. Have your breakfast planned out and ready to fix right away. Again, not eating properly makes you rundown, weakening your chances at succeeding. Plan to stay busy. If you're starting your first non-smoker day at home, then have a project ready. You'll have plenty of energy from your nerves looking for that fix (and all the toxins that normally slow you down) so getting some good old fashioned housework finished should be no problem. If you're quitting at work, be most careful to stay away from the places you smoke and, again, stay busy.

2. Set Goals & Reward Yourself: Remind yourself that you're saving money and plan for a short-term goal reward. Set a number of days, maybe a week and tell yourself that WHEN you get to that point you'll reward yourself with whatever. Maybe a special date, or maybe a new pair of shoes, special restaurant, whatever you want. Should probably avoid alcohol though, smoking and drinking go hand-in-hand. Whatever you choose, when you get there you can say to yourself "I did it!" and this affirms not only your determination but your ability to succeed.

3. Remember That Every Day is One Day Closer to Easy Street: Remind yourself that quitting is temporary. It WILL become much much easier and you'll start to feel like the non-smoker you've become. Withdrawal is temporary and the day you quit your body begins to heal. While it may feel like you have a long way to go, you're already part way though it. Tough it out for a while. The first week is the hardest. For me, it was the 4th day - WOW! That was bad. I think I spent 95% of that day planning to get a pack of cigarettes - but I didn't! I kept telling myself that I'd wait it out another hour. Then when that hour came I'd give myself another hour. Before I knew it, the cravings subsided. Do what you need to do; if you need to be alone - be alone. If you need to give in to the munchies - give in. Cigarettes are poisoning you at the very least (fatal lung, mouth, or throat cancer at worst), so it's worth an extra pound or two that you can always loose later. If you need to punch things - find a pillow and go to it. Scream in to it, whatever it takes to not smoke. *Except using smokeless tobacco (snuff) - this a VERY bad idea! Do a little Internet research on what people look like with their tongue and jaws removed. Replacing one killer for another is a VERY bad idea*

4. Stay Healthy: You've taken a step toward bettering your life. Don't stop there. One thing that really helped me through the bad times was my treadmill. There's nothing like running (or fast walking) to ease aggression. When you're craving nicotine, you're nerves are in high gear. Wear them out! Sweat, breathe hard, work off the aggravation. Then, after you've finished your work out, you feel a little healthier (as we all do after a work out) and who wants to suck in a stick of pollution after a good jog? The other thing, as I mentioned earlier, is that the healthier you are, the stronger you are mentally & physically to fight the addiction.

5. Don't Quit Quitting: Remember, if you don't meet your goals at first, you can always start over. Part of the reason you shouldn't tell everyone that you're quitting is because it's too hard for some people to get it on the first try. Sometimes it takes lots of tries before you're able to really make it stick. Taking the pressure off by saying you're "cutting back" makes it easier to "keep cutting back" if you don't quit entirely the first time you try. Start again. Each time you try is another step toward the goal. Eventually, you'll be able to put them down for good - as long as you really want to quit.

It's been over a year and a half for me smoke-free and I absolutely love it! I love being free of those chains. I'll be honest, there are still days where I have thoughts that I'd like to sit down and have a cigarette, but they're only thoughts, not cravings. I sometimes just remember how I used to love them. But I never forget how much I hated them and I don't crave them anymore. And I NEVER lie to myself by saying "I can have just one". You can quit and you deserve to. Don't give up! Remember that it's a FACT that cigarettes are taking away from your health - and your wallet. They aren't getting any cheaper and you aren't getting any healthier. It's time to stop, for good.

Saturday, 3 March 2012

Effects of smoking, Educating, yourself, on how,to,quit, smoking, now,

Effects of smoking,

while pregnant,can, lead, to so many, health,medical,problems,

beyond, repair,

Educating, yourself, on how,to,quit, smoking, now,

is vital, to your own, well, being, and your, loved, ones,

Other, side effects, of smoking, include, cataracts, reduced,

fertility, a higher, risk, of stroke, peptic ulcers,and back


During, pregnancy, exposure, to secondhand, smoke, can lead ,

to lowering, the metabolism, of the mother,

Research on the effects-of-exposure to the carbon, monoxide,

in tobacco, smoke, have shown, adverse, effects, upon,

placental, and fetal, physiology, fetal, growth, brain,

development, hydrochemistry, and function, Pregnant, women, who

smoke, are at risk, for miscarriages,

premature, labor, and entopic, pregnancy,smoking,

Babies, born, to mothers, who smoke, have a higher, risk,

of sudden, infant, death, syndrome,(SIDS),and behavioral,

problems, later, in life,

Nicotine, and carbon, monoxide, are poisonous, ingredients,

of cigarette, that can, cause, a lot of harm,inside, the body,

You can, stop, smoking, my making, a strong, determination,

doing, exercises, meditation, and yoga, medical, treatment, or Research

For many years, there, has been, research, on the health,

effects,smoking, and in recent, decades, the concern, has

continued, to grow, This, is because, more, adverse health,

effects, of smoking, are, being, discovered, every, day,

smoking, include, pains, cramps, etc. and cancer,

of the esophagus, kidney, pancreas and bladder,


Smoking, often, leads, to gangrene, leaving, no, choice,

but amputation, of the affected, body,

It increases, blood, pressure, and increases, the risk,

for heart,disease, These diseases, are often fatal,

but even, when ,they, are, not,they, negatively,

impact, a person's, quality, of life, Smoke, contains, many, toxic, chemicals, and gases,

with carbon, monoxide, as the, chief, offender,

Smoking, has a huge, effect, on blood, vessels, and the

circulatory, system, as a whole,

Risk, of a heart, attack, does, not, vary with the quantity,

of nicotine, or carbon, monoxide, in the cigarette,

Low, tar, and less, nicotine, DO NOT, have, a corresponding,

decrease, in heart, attack, risk,

Reasons, to Quit, Smoking,

Quitting, smoking, is one, of the best, decisions, a person,

can make, for, themselves, It will improve, their health,

for years, to come, and also, give, them, a sense,

of accomplishment,

It means, that you make, your, heart, work,harder,

than, it, should, have, to,

When, you smoke, more than one cigarette, a day,

the heart, never, gets, a chance, to return,It, keeps, working, harder, and harder,

That, is why, a smoker, tends, to get, sudden, heart, attacks,

The heart, could, not, bear, the effect,smoking,

We, have, seen, a steady, increase, in heart, disease,

among, women, and smoking, is the number,one, factor,

that, has, caused, this increase,

Smoking, causes, increased, blood, clotting, high, levels,

of, substances, that narrow, arteries, limits, blood, flow,

and increases, heart, rate, your, heart, to work, harder,

with less,oxygen, to feed, it,

These, are powerful, biological, effects,

Friday, 2 March 2012

Making Resolutions That Stick

This year, Im going to stop worrying so much.""I will get in shape, once and for all.""Ill stop spending beyond my means.""Ill get along better with my family.""Ill start that business Ive always dreamed about." Have you made a resolution similar to one of these? Some of us want to lose weight, become more organized, or quit smoking. Others want to find a sense of purpose, more work/life balance, the courage to leave an unfulfilling career and start over. Whether its New Years Day, an important birthday, or just because were fed up, at some point we vow to make that one leap or give up the thing that plagues us. But by the time the rosy blush of good intentions wears off, the resolution gets pushed aside. Not because we dont still long to have what we want, but because we just dont know how to change. We say were going to change, we may even do it for a little while, but soon we find ourselves back to our old habits. Depending on what survey youve paying attention to, approximately 45 percent of us make New Years resolutions, but only 8 percent succeed. Ninety percent of heart patients dont stick to the lifestyle changes they need to live longer and healthier lives. Even faced with the dramatic choice to change or die, they cant do it. I dont believe they want to die. They just dont know how to make the choice for life.Part of the problem is that were flooded by bad advice. Right now, Im staring at a womens magazine. Its the November 28th issue and the headline blares: YOU, 43 LBS SLIMMER By Christmas! Im sorry but you, no matter who you are, are not going to be 43 pounds slimmer in 28 days using their diet or anyone elses. Such irresponsible "advice" does a great deal of harm. Because it creates unrealistic expectations, it increases the probability well give up before we get where we want to go. You and I can change. Not just superficially, or temporarily. We can stop doing the things that hold us back or cause us suffering and create a life filled with meaning and happiness. But its not easy, as anyone who has tried to change a habit or do something new knows. To bring new behavior into being takes work. Our brains have enormous "plasticity," meaning they can create new cells and pathways. But our brains create strong tendencies to do the same thing over and over. Heres why: our neurons (brain cells) that fire together wire together. Meaning, they have a strong tendency to run the same program the next time. Thats why lasting change takes lots of practice; youve got to create a pathway to the new options. (Six to nine months, say many brain scientists--so much for those seven-day wonder programs.) The process is not about getting rid of bad habitsthe pathway to your current behavior is there for life, babybut building new, more positive ones. Even stopping doing something, like smoking, is really about creating a good new habit, nonsmoking.

M.J. Ryan is one of the creators of the New York Times bestselling Random Acts of Kindness series and the author of The Happiness Makeover (nominated for the 2005 Books for Better Living award in the Motivational category), Attitudes of Gratitude, The Power of Patience, Trusting Yourself, The Giving Heart, and 365 Health and Happiness Boosters, among other titles. Altogether, there are 1.75 million copies of her titles in print. For more information, visit

Nicotine Withdrawal

Any smoker who has tried quitting knows only too well what nicotine withdrawal is all about the cigarette cravings, the disturbances in mood, problems in concentration and sleeping, and so on. Usually, the severity of withdrawal symptoms depends on factors like how long the person has been smoking and the number of cigarettes he/she smoked. Those who have been long-time smokers have tendency of having especially strong nicotine withdrawal symptoms at particular places, situations, or times connected with smoking.

As a matter of fact, according to studies it has been found that smokers who begin abstaining start experiencing nicotine withdrawal symptoms within half-an-hour of quitting. By the time one hour elapses, they start feeing irritable and quick to anger. Within three hours, symptoms like difficulty in concentration, depression, and anxiety become apparent. Researchers point out that this happens because it has been seen that regular smokers need to smoke one cigarette every forty minutes or so, by which time their system becomes almost free of the nicotine from the previous cigarette.

This is indicative that apart from nicotine withdrawal being a roadblock to quitting smoking, but that it most probably is responsible for each cigarette that is smoked in a day.

What are the Symptoms of Nicotine Withdrawal?

Given below are some of the main nicotine withdrawal symptoms and the way to cope with them:

Cigarette Cravings: Nicotine is a highly addictive drug, hence, cigarette cravings can be very powerful, particularly within the first 2-3 days of quitting. Sometimes these cravings can take place for months, even years. The best way to overcome the craving is to simply resist the desire to light up; it usually lasts just a few minutes. Whenever you feel the craving pangs coming on, start some activity and keep yourself busy. Focus your attention on something else. Chew on gum, drink water, eat some fruit. You could even try some deep breathing exercises, and be conscious of the fact that these symptoms are only temporary and that you can beat them.

Irritability, Tenseness and Crankiness: Deprived of the nicotine it is used to, the body craves for it. Cigarette smokers are basically under a constant condition of nervous stimulation, and much of the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal are due to the nervous system getting back to normal. This usually lasts for one to two weeks. To counter these symptoms, try exercising or walking, or meditation or other relaxation methods, chewing nicotine gum and cutting down on caffeine.

Fatigue, Loss of Energy: A feeling of fatigue is quite a natural symptom, since the body is deprived of the stimulating effects nicotine. This can last for 2-4 weeks. To counter this, more rest as well as more exercise is recommended. If tiredness occurs on waking up, a brisk walk and a refreshing shower should counter it.

Mood Swings and Anger: The deprivation of nicotine also brings on bouts of anger and swings in mood. And often, to alleviate this symptom of anger there is an urge to light up. When a situation crops up that makes you angry while youre trying to quit, it is best to recognize what the root cause of the anger is the craving for nicotine and then deal with the situation in as calm a manner as possible. Discuss your state of mind with your spouse or a close friend.

Problems in Concentration: This symptom can last a few weeks. The system requires time to adapt to not getting a regular dose of nicotine. The best antidote for this is taking up some sort of physical activity, such as a sport, or an exercise routine, deep breathing exercises, and planning your load of work accordingly.

Some of the other nicotine withdrawal symptoms are dizziness, headaches, frustration, insomnia, restlessness, weight gain, and constipation. While not everybody trying to quit smoking may experience all these symptoms, many of them are quite commonly felt.

What are the Future Prospects of Nicotine Withdrawal?

Nicotine withdrawal is generally a temporary phase and does disappear in time, however, while it does last it can case a fair amount of discomfort. By recognizing what can be expected when quitting smoking, one can be better prepared to deal with it and get over this phase successfully.

Thursday, 1 March 2012

Quit smoking tips How to get rid of smoking

The quit smoking tips are helpful to smokers as it reveals way for getting rid off from smoking habits. However, it is very hard for any smoker to take this decision it's probably the most tedious work for anyone who has a habit of smoking. Every smoker knows this fact that smoking is injurious to health and reduces your life span but still people smoke. Quit smoking tips are just a try to make smokers realize the consequences of smoking. Any smoker could probably avoid listening to quit smoking tips and consider it useless. But there are many smokers who believe in trying.

The quit smoking tips are valuable tips for smokers who irrelevantly spoiling their beautiful and most cherished life bestowed upon by God. The quit smoking tips illustrate the possible side effects of smoking and how to move forward in quitting this habit. It is always been very courageous step for any smoker to follow quit smoking tips and implement them to get rid off from smoking forever. Many smokers ignore quit smoking tips and continue with this harmful habit forever.

The quit smoking are available anywhere across the internet, hospitals and at many social places. If you want to kick this habit out of your life, you have to seriously follow quit smoking tips and take it as a challenge. All you need to be is positive from inside that one day you will get rid of this habit completely. It's very easy to adopt this habit than to kick it out but it is rightly said that where there is a will there is way. The internet can be used where you can search for methods to quit smoking in a very short time. In the end, smoking not only ruins your life but also makes it meaningless so it's in your hands that how to step forward to quit smoking and all you need is to convince yourself for this tough and harsh decision if you want to enjoy this precious life.

Make Quit Smoking Aids Be More Effective Via Lifestyle Improvements

Smoking cessation is a really difficult course of action since folks count too heavily on the assurance of smoking cessation solutions and cannot put in the necessary effort and hard work. But with a few lifestyle modifications, those who would like to defeat the habit would have the ability to reduce the negative components of smoking, realise their goal as well as have a more healthy life.

Everyone must keep in mind that overcoming tobacco dependence calls for much more than just addressing the physiological facet. It is also an internal problem, and the mind, body and also spirit would all be quite afflicted by the abrupt removal of nicotine from a person's everyday activities. Individuals seek out normality when they retrogress and resume smoking cigarettes.

Lots of quit smoking products take care of the physical withdrawal discomforts but would make the entire process appear as if it's drawn out or interminable since they don't cover the mental facet. Hearts which are primed to pump blood, limbs which are ready to move and also blood that is primed to circulate are often impacted by drugs that make nicotine users relaxed until they've overcome the withdrawal symptoms. A physically proactive tactic needs to be used to speed up the process as well as allow a smoker to conquer the habit in a natural manner.

Deciding to be more active when quitting tobacco use will be advantageous in a lot of ways. For starters, increased physical activity would remind individuals why they've decided to quit using tobacco. The lungs would be made to work harder during the first few days of increased exercise, and those who're looking to stop would be constantly confronted by the health repercussions that their dependency has brought on. These factors may help them maintain their resolve.

The second advantage of getting a fantastic exercise routine would be that it helps reverse the heightened food intake that a lot of nicotine junkies will experience throughout the first month or so after smoking their last cigarette stick. Their efforts in the health club or time spent outside playing sports would inspire them to become more discriminating with what they eat. It'll be far better for them to gain weight as opposed to continuing to smoke cigarettes, and they could significantly counteract that extra weight with regular exercise.

The blood flow of those who're aiming to quit using tobacco would also be much better. By having an improved blood circulation, the human body could easily get rid of the impurities brought on by smoking. The absence of all of those toxins would make it easy for an individual's system to recover from the years of damage that cigarette smoking has done.

It's crucial for individuals to take in a lot of H2O for the first several weeks after lighting up their last cigarette stick. This would allow the system to eliminate all of those toxins as fast as it could via the skin and also the urinary tract. The increased water consumption would help clear the skin and also make it possible for all of the toxins to be removed via urine.

Those who elect to stop smoking cigarettes would make an invaluable contribution to their well-being and health. Using any and all smoking cessation solutions will call for a bit of hard work. Increased physical activity and also water intake will help nicotine junkies beat this costly habit once and for all.

Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Quit Smoking Cigarettes The Natural Way And Have Better Results

Tobacco use is an awful vice associated with a lot of dangers, which include a reduced life expectancy, premature aging and a bigger probability of getting various diseases and kinds of cancer. The majority of longtime smokers don't know what they can do in order to rid themselves of their dependency without making use of prescription medication and / or alternative sources of nicotine. If you are a smoker and want to find out how you could have a better life, this article presents tactics that you may make use of to stop using tobacco the natural way.

Exercise is a recognised method that a lot of people utilize to help them beat any dependence. Exercising up to thrice a week will help you quit smoking in several ways. First of all, physical exercise works as a diversion; whenever your mind is centered on a certain goal, you won't experience the intense nicotine cravings that make many individuals regress and puff on a cigarette. Moreover, if you work out, you'll get an endorphin rush that will make you feel better about yourself in an organic way. These endorphins will also enable you to feel much happier and also more content. The additional advantages of habitual physical activity for stopping tobacco use are as follows: it would help you stay in shape, provide you with more self-esteem and also motivate you to enact more healthy lifestyle adjustments.

The most vital adjustment that you will have to carry out if you aim to give up using tobacco by natural means is to modify your behavioural patterns and inclinations, especially when you experience nicotine hankerings. You ought to search for better and healthier substitutes for cigarettes. To illustrate, if you experience nicotine cravings thrice daily, you need to do other things instead of giving in to them, such as taking a walk or perusing a book. Inevitably, your mind will adjust to these positive changes and get used to them. In turn, your cravings are going to go away.

Creating new patterns will also help you give up smoking by natural means. Plenty of cigarette smokers find that they can eliminate specific habits that they don't want to engage in by implementing new routines and staying with them. It is advisable to write down all of the things and instances that cause you to be anxious and also force you to light up cigarettes, and think about the actions and routines that you'll supplant them with. By having knowledge of the unfavourable elements and instances, you will be able to put together an outstanding strategy and be prepared for any possibility.

Schedules aren't only for work-related matters; they can also help you in your quest to quit using tobacco naturally! Setting exact periods for eating, sleeping, exercise, work and other activities will help your brain adjust to a different lifestyle, and it will eventually become second nature. If nicotine isn't included in your brand-new routine, you won't get to think of tobacco use.

Behavioural transformations and also healthier distractions aren't going to give you the outcomes you need if you've still got stuff that remind you of your ugly smoking habit! If you would like to give up smoking cigarettes naturally, you ought to get rid of anything that makes you itch to smoke cigarettes. Discard your match sticks, butane lighters, cigarette holders and ashtrays as soon as possible! Moreover, you should refrain from hanging out with relatives, good friends and colleagues who smoke, at least until you are positive that you will not relapse whenever you're around them. If you can't avoid them completely, you may ask them to stop lighting up whenever they are around you.

But from time to time, there are folks who regress and start smoking cigarettes again irrespective of all of the preparations they've done. Trying to give up smoking also means that you must recognize the likelihood of a regression and have the ability to proceed and go back to square one if it occurs. It is perfectly normal for smokers to have several relapses; know that falling short should not discourage you and make you feel helpless. Giving up tobacco use is a lengthy and complex undertaking that you may do over and over until you overcome your dependency for good.

Time, work and persistence are all necessary if you opt to quit using tobacco by natural means. Day after day, countless individuals decide to give up smoking permanently, and most of them have already reached their objective. Don't concentrate on the possibility that you'll regress; instead, don't forget that you have to reach this goal for yourself as well as your loved ones. Recognise your mistakes, go forward and keep trying to stop using tobacco the natural way until you eventually become successful!

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Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Quit Smoking thus you will be able to live a extended Life

Smoking as you well apprehend is one in all the toughest habits to interrupt. The earlier that you just notice how to interrupt this habit the higher your probability is that you just can live longer. Smoking will injury internal organs and it happens over an amount of your time. Some individuals create the error of claiming they need smoked all their lives, thus why stop at this point? You'll be able to improve your possibilities of not obtaining cancer and different injury caused by smoking once you stop.

There are assortments of product that offered for you to shop for which will assist you to quit smoking. It really is often somewhat overwhelming as a result of there is numerous things to settle on from and you're undecided which of them to do. Before creating any purchases you would like to examine if people who have used these product have had any results. You have got to recollect that everybody is completely different and also the success rate is going to be different.

You should visit your doctor furthermore and see what they advocate. They will be ready to counsel a product that has worked well for his or her patients to prevent smoking. They'll be ready to prescribe a medicine or patch that's not an over the counter product and you'll be able to solely get it with a prescription. Once more with any style of product that you just conceive to use to quit smoking you would like to search out if it's an honest product or a waste of cash.

Look on-line for reviews of quit smoking product. there's no higher thanks to ascertain if one thing is effective and value shopping for then if you get see sensible reviews from those that have used it and been happy with the item they bought.

It is often exhausting to travel through all the items you see and opt for what's best. Let others guide you with their reviews so you'll be able to have a level of confidence when longing for a good remedy to prevent smoking.

Remember that smoking will cause health issues and may scale back the years you may live. It's exhausting to quit however using many strategies for locating an answer can assist you to avoid having health issues because of smoking connected illness. There are quit smoking product which will assist you to kick the habit by limiting your craving to illuminate a cigarette. In spite of that item you employ it must be effective so you'll be able to finally stop smoking and increase your probability of living a protracted and healthy life.