Smoking is the cause of many, many different sicknesses. However mo9st of us know that the main sickness caused by smoking is indeed lung cancer. I hate to say it but smoking and lung cancer go together like peanut butter and jelly. Almost 90 percent of lung cancer is caused directly from smoking. Of course we have all heard of the other cancers. Prostate, colon, lymph and breast. What I bet you didn't know is that lung cancer kills more people each year then all those others combined.
It really is time to quit smoking. Each se3cond you smoke you are greatly increasing the chances of getting lung cancer. As a regular smoker you are doing great damage to your lungs and the rest of your body. The key is to quit smoking. Even after many years of doing all that substantial damage you can still have a good chance at turning things around. It really is important to focus on prevention. Unfortunately when it comes to lung cancer by the time it is found it is usually too late. Of course we are seeing great things when it comes to cancer. Unfortunately though the survival rate when it comes to lung cancer patients is still very low.
In almost all cases the cough is where it's all going to start when it comes to lung cancer. There will be a blockage that irritates or starts blocking the airway. Some more things to watch for are pains in the chest, coughing up blood and a cough that progressively gets worse. Overall you need to pay real close attention to everything that is going on with your body. Don't just think chest area either, most times before lung cancer is even found it ends up spreading through the body. If you are a smoker I suggest you pay attention to all the aches and pains. Get things checked because you just never know. The best thing is to focus and do yourself a favor and quit smoking.
A quick break down on what human lungs are. Basically they are a pair of organs that take up most of the room inside your chest. You will find the lungs located on either side of the heart. The right lung will have three lobes while the left has two. You then have the pleura which is a very thin lining that is in place to cover the lungs.
The air that we breathe goes from the mouth through the trachea. This then separates into bronchi that go into either lung. Once inside the lungs the passage will continue through smaller tubes. From school you will remember the smallest as the alveoli. The alveoli are together in great groups which are put together in lobes. Then you will find the capillaries. They are a major part of the pulmonary system. This is key because it is where blood vessels combine to work with the heart and lungs.
Next are the airways and the lining on the wind pipe. If they are in healthy lungs they have control and keep master division inside the body. However when you are looking at a body with cancer the cells we are talking about continue to grow way past us needing them. The cancer could take several years to be there and hit you. The problem though is your lungs will start to be affected as soon as they are hit with the poisons inhaled from a cigarette. If you continue smoking you will continue to damage. Eventually there is a good chance that this damage will become cancerous. Also because you have set out to weaken your body this will allow the cancer cells to spread much easier throughout the body.
Types Of Lung Cancer
No holds barred and we have already talked about how smoking is the number one reason behind getting lung cancer. There are things like second hand smoke, asbestos and a few other things in industry that could have an effect on getting cancer. Now think how high the risk is if you mix two or more of these factors together.
Cancers gets its name from where ever on the body it is stricken. So goes the fact that cancer in the lungs is known as lung cancer and so forth. Non smokers will almost never get lung cancer. Of course there is always an exception to every rule and this is no different. However you do stand a much better chance of avoiding lung cancer if you never smoke or if you quit smoking.
There are two main types of cancer that build up and start at the lungs. They are small cell and non-small cell types. The small cell is the one that kicks the hell out of smokers for the most part. The small cell can spread quite rapidly especially at the beginning of the disease. Chemo and radiation is about the only option for treatment. In this case surgery is very rarely an option. Also if you have this type of cancer chances are you won't make it past 5 years.
Bottom line is if you do not quit smoking you are putting yourself in front of a firing squad. The best thing is you can quit and your body will start healing and fighting rather quickly. Each day as a non smoker has you going in the right direction. The only real chance you have is so once and for all quit smoking.
What Am I Doing?
Many of you know that I am a smoker who has quit.
I am now focusing on helping others quit and really working hard at trying to get kids to never start.
I know single handedly I cant fight the tobacco companies.The thing is I really am looking for a following.I also know I will not beat the tobacco companies but to me every single person I help quit is a victory and every child I can educate is also a victory.
You can check out either of my sites at Quit Smoking
Also check out Quit Smoking Journey
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