There have been many people who have tried to argue that tobacco companies cannot be held responsible for ill health because adults make the decision to smoke. However, it is common knowledge that smoking is easy to start but rather difficult to stop. It is the nicotine inside the cigarettes combined with other chemicals that make smoking a dangerous habit. These lines sound familiar because you can associate with them? You can actually quit smoking today. No, we are not talking about willpower and all that. There is now a proven method to quit smoking - through an electronic cigarette.
The evils of smoking
Smoking kills, plain and simple. Multiple experts may refute this claim but the fact is that smoking kills. Research says that smokers have reduced life expectancy ranging from 13.4 years to 14.3 years. In the United States there are 443,000 premature deaths caused per year due to smoking. The major killers of smoking are cancer, pulmonary, renal and cardiovascular damage. Other ill effects include infertility and stress. If you search the Internet for the ill effects of smoking you will be able to print a book with all the content available.
Stop smoking now
If you are not thinking about yourself think of the people around you. Think of your family, think of your neighbors, think of your office colleagues. When you smoke you not only harm yourself but also those around you. As a responsible citizen you have every reason to quit and help the creation of a smoke free world.
How can an electronic cigarette help?
An electronic cigarette is just like an actual cigarette but without any of its ill effects. It operates through a lithium-ion battery. The battery charges the atomizer that vaporizes the liquid inside the cartridge. This liquid is specially flavored with the actual flavors of cigarettes. Hence, you may find smokeless cigarettes with the flavor of Camel or Marlboro. You may find an e-cig that is exactly like a menthol cigarette or a regular cigarette. Once the liquid is vaporized it is inhaled by the smoker and the flavor in it makes the person feel that they are smoking an actual cigarette.
How and where to buy?
Since the electronic cigarette has now been legalized in many countries it is rather simple to buy it. Go to Google and search for websites that sell these cigarettes. You will find plenty of them to choose from. Go through the usual process of online shopping and your electronic cigarette will be shipped to you. One cigarette with its refillable parts will last you for a long time.
With an electronic cigarette with you, you know you are quitting smoking successfully. Smoke as much as you want without harming your body.
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