Effects of smoking,
while pregnant,can, lead, to so many, health,medical,problems,
beyond, repair,
Educating, yourself, on how,to,quit, smoking, now,
is vital, to your own, well, being, and your, loved, ones,
Other, side effects, of smoking, include, cataracts, reduced,
fertility, a higher, risk, of stroke, peptic ulcers,and back
During, pregnancy, exposure, to secondhand, smoke, can lead ,
to lowering, the metabolism, of the mother,
Research on the effects-of-exposure to the carbon, monoxide,
in tobacco, smoke, have shown, adverse, effects, upon,
placental, and fetal, physiology, fetal, growth, brain,
development, hydrochemistry, and function, Pregnant, women, who
smoke, are at risk, for miscarriages,
premature, labor, and entopic, pregnancy,smoking,
Babies, born, to mothers, who smoke, have a higher, risk,
of sudden, infant, death, syndrome,(SIDS),and behavioral,
problems, later, in life,
Nicotine, and carbon, monoxide, are poisonous, ingredients,
of cigarette, that can, cause, a lot of harm,inside, the body,
You can, stop, smoking, my making, a strong, determination,
doing, exercises, meditation, and yoga, medical, treatment, or Research
For many years, there, has been, research, on the health,
effects,smoking, and in recent, decades, the concern, has
continued, to grow, This, is because, more, adverse health,
effects, of smoking, are, being, discovered, every, day,
smoking, include, pains, cramps, etc. and cancer,
of the esophagus, kidney, pancreas and bladder,
Smoking, often, leads, to gangrene, leaving, no, choice,
but amputation, of the affected, body,
It increases, blood, pressure, and increases, the risk,
for heart,disease, These diseases, are often fatal,
but even, when ,they, are, not,they, negatively,
impact, a person's, quality, of life, Smoke, contains, many, toxic, chemicals, and gases,
with carbon, monoxide, as the, chief, offender,
Smoking, has a huge, effect, on blood, vessels, and the
circulatory, system, as a whole,
Risk, of a heart, attack, does, not, vary with the quantity,
of nicotine, or carbon, monoxide, in the cigarette,
Low, tar, and less, nicotine, DO NOT, have, a corresponding,
decrease, in heart, attack, risk,
Reasons, to Quit, Smoking,
Quitting, smoking, is one, of the best, decisions, a person,
can make, for, themselves, It will improve, their health,
for years, to come, and also, give, them, a sense,
of accomplishment,
It means, that you make, your, heart, work,harder,
than, it, should, have, to,
When, you smoke, more than one cigarette, a day,
the heart, never, gets, a chance, to return,It, keeps, working, harder, and harder,
That, is why, a smoker, tends, to get, sudden, heart, attacks,
The heart, could, not, bear, the effect,smoking,
We, have, seen, a steady, increase, in heart, disease,
among, women, and smoking, is the number,one, factor,
that, has, caused, this increase,
Smoking, causes, increased, blood, clotting, high, levels,
of, substances, that narrow, arteries, limits, blood, flow,
and increases, heart, rate, your, heart, to work, harder,
with less,oxygen, to feed, it,
These, are powerful, biological, effects,
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