Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Some Non Nicotine Medication in Smoking Cessation

There are many methods that one can use to achieve the smoking cessation; some include natural methods as self motivated quitting, substituting the source of nicotine or the habit with a better one and others entail assistance form external sources as medical assistance and use of many other ways. One natural method to stop the smoking habit is through hypnosis; hypnosis is the activity of trying to manipulate you mind to remember or erase some of its content. In this process you will process you become greatly relaxed and your mind easily focuses on the negative contribution of smoking to you hence generating an extreme detest for the habit.

Acupuncture can be used as a remedy to stop smoking withdrawal symptoms where needles are used to relax the body and eliminated the body tension caused by the lack of nicotine. Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese traditional method of treatment which has proved to cure very many disease and conditions. It triggers the natural pain relievers called endorphins hence you will not feel the effects of lowered nicotine levels. The advantage of acupuncture is that it has several solutions to your problems at once. It is a simple process but it needs an expert to do it. The cost is low and has minimal side effects as it is not addictive.

Another method to stop the habit of smoking is to change you lifestyle or behaviour change. Most of the smoker are in the habit due to their loose behaviour at one time of their life; no on is born a smoker where acquire the behaviour along the ways so it is possible to eliminate. If you engage in fun filled life that includes drug and alcohol you will need to stop it immediately, and if you life is full of stress that make you want to light up you too a need to adjust it to reduce the stress level through the many available means. To achieve this you can engage in stress management programs where you reduce or eliminate stress thus you quit smoking.

There are several motivational factors that can make you quit smoking. You can sit down and calculate the amount of money that you spend on cigarettes every year; the figure will disappoint you for sometime it is enough to do some of the major projects that you have failed to do. This can motivate you to stopping the habit of smoking for good. Others are like association with non smokers who managed to point a stop to their former habits. Indulging in reading or watch smoking related books and documentaries may also make you decide to completely stop smoking. In the association point you need to completely avoid peer group pressures and those are prone to inducing the urge to smoke again.

A good diet that contains all the food requirements is also very important in your fight against smoking. The foods will provide all the nutrient hence you will not have the urge or need to inject more nicotine than the body requires.


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