It is not unusual for a smoker to say that they can’t stop smoking cigarettes. They have tried before to quit, failed at it, and truly believe that there is no way that they can kick the habit. It could be that their belief that they won’t succeed is actually enabling them to fulfill that belief and if they just changed the way they think about smoking, they would be able to become a non-smoker.
There is absolutely no doubt that to stop smoking cigarettes, every fiber of your being has to be absolutely committed to the process. When you stop smoking, it is not something that just happens one day. It happens every day for the rest of your life. Every day you will wake up in the morning and want a cigarette, but over time the cravings become less and less. But that does not mean you should ever let your guard down. Just one cigarette, even years down the road, can quickly lead you back to your habit.
If you are to stop smoking cigarettes once and for all, then you must admit to yourself, much like an alcoholic would, that you have a problem. You do have an addiction, one that has developed over years and years to nicotine. You are not addicted to cigarettes per se, but to the nicotine that you are getting in them. Unfortunately, the nicotine itself is not dangerous to you (although it is addicting), but the transmission method is. The tar and toxic chemicals you are breathing every time you puff on a cigarette are truly killing you.
Only one in five people will succeed the first time that they try to stop smoking cigarettes, but that doesn’t mean that you should give up hope. There are ways to quit smoking, but you absolutely have to be fully committed to doing so.
Tell your family, your friends, your co-workers and everyone else that you plan to quit and the peer pressure alone will help you realize your goal. Get as much information as you can about quitting because what you are about to undertake is truly a difficult task. The truth is that you are an addict and you are trying to give up your drug. If you take it seriously, you will be much more likely to succeed at quitting. And, if you fail the first time, try again until you get it right.
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