We probably all know that smoking poses a great risk to our health and can lead to fast aging as well as dental problems. At one time or another, smokers may have felt the urge to quit smoking for good. In fact, many may have tried but many may have failed as well. Sometimes commitment may not be enough to topple down this bad health habit.
It is important to understand that smoking can lead you to addiction, as nicotine in cigarettes is addictive. If you are a smoker who still makes an excuse that one stick a day won’t hurt, you might want to put an end to this habit before it is too hard for you to stop.
Whether you are just lighting a few sticks or you have been a chain smoker, here are some tips that you might find useful in conquering this bad habit.
Find your motivation. Although motivation alone may not be effective in putting an end to this smoking habit, it is also one important factor to help you with your goals. Find some specific factors that will help motivate you. Of course, having a good health can be the general reason for your quitting but if you try to make your reasons for quitting more specific, you will eventually have more motivation to do it until the end and quit smoking for good.List down the times or the instances that you would most likely light a cigarette. You can best avoid smoking if you also try to avoid the places and the instances that you would most probably light a cigarette. Break your Saturday night-out with friends for a while, until you have successfully overcome smoking, or try to let your friends know of your intention to stop.Find support from family and friends. This is also a good factor to help you overcome habits such as smoking. You can also get support from people who are on the same journey as you are in trying to combat this addiction. This way, it will be a lot easier for you to overcome the challenge if you have a companion.Choose the best way to help you quit smoking for good. Some may want to go for the abrupt halt, while some may find it easier to make it gradual, although many do find the gradual process to be more effective.Use the power of your mind to overcome this addiction. Sometimes stopping yourself from smoking may need a more powerful push, and you can seek help from your subconscious when it comes to this. Hypnosis is a good practice that can help you reach out for your subconscious and use it to overcome your addiction. In fact, hypnotherapy has been used to overcome phobias as well as addictions and this can be a good way to end your smoking habit.If you want to quit smoking for good, you have to make a pact to yourself that you will not let yourself fail by giving up.
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