Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Facts on Hemorrhoid Causes and Different Kinds of Treatment for Internal Hemorrhoids

Facts on Hemorrhoid Causes and Different Kinds of Treatment for Internal Hemorrhoids

Article by Sonia Brielle

How many of you have experienced the distressing symptoms of piles? Piles or hemorrhoids are dilated veins under the rectum or around the anus that is caused by a number of factors. This is indeed common. It is a known fact that our veins have the capability to spread out and to consequently return to its regular size. Our veins under the rectum or around the anus are the most flexible veins in our entire body. No other veins in the body can stretch so immensely when under enormous pressure. Hemorrhoid tends to develop when one of the weakened veins spread out and is unable to go back to its normal size.

According to a number of medical resources there are two types of hemorrhoid. These are called internal and external hemorrhoid. The former forms when the veins of the anal pad puff up and all the supporting tissues enlarge in size. On the other hand, external hemorrhoid appears like a lump outside the anus. Theoretically, if the hemorrhoid originates at the top of the anal canal it is referred to as internal hemorrhoid and if it originates at the last part of the anal duct it is called external hemorrhoid.

You need to make sure that you consult a doctor immediately if there is a change in your bowel habits or if you experience the symptoms of hemorrhoids like constipation and rectal bleeding. If left untreated, the internal hemorrhoids can lead to two severe types of hemorrhoids known as the prolapsed and strangulated hemorrhoids. Prolapsed hemorrhoids are internal hemorrhoids. They are often distended and may seem to be pushed outside the anal canal. If the anal sphincter muscle goes into tremor and is shut in a prolapsed hemorrhoid, the supply of blood is cut off, and the hemorrhoid becomes a strangulated hemorrhoid.

Moreover, there are factors that can contribute to this disorder. Pregnancy, aging, unrelieved constipation or diarrhea, recurrent straining during bowel movement, prolonged standing, heaviness, cigarette smoking and the increase in blood pressure are some of its factors. Fortunately, there is a wide range of internal hemorrhoid treatments available to hemorrhoid sufferers.

Effective treatments or home remedies typically consists of adding dietary fiber in the diet, increasing intake of oral fluids to maintain hydration, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medicines, hot baths or sitz bath, suppositories, prescribed medicated creams and medicated wipes. As a matter of fact, increased fiber intake is believed to improve the treatment plans for those who suffer hemorrhoids internal or external.

If you want to undergo surgery, for severe cases, there are quite a number of hemorrhoid treatments that can be performed such as Rubber Band Ligation, Injection Sclerotherapy, Infrared Photocoagulation, Laser Coagulation and Hemorrhoidectomy. The latter involves surgical removing the hemorrhoid groups in the anal canal. The specialist can use scalpel, cautery device or laser. There is this saying that prevention is better than cure.

Visit our site to lean more about hemroid treatment and find out more in-depth information on various types of internal hemorrhoid treatment. It is a resource site with reliable information and solutions to problems faced in everyday life.

About the Author

Visit our site to lean more about hemroid treatment and find out more in-depth information on various types of internal hemorrhoid treatment .


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